Perambahan Hutan di Aceh; potret kehidupan masyarakat
Pembakaran lahan untuk mengusahakan kebun merupakan hal yang umum terjadi. Selain murah dan praktis, pembakaran juga dianggap dapat meningkatkan kesuburan lahan kebun
Penambangan Tradisional di Aceh
Sebuah tantangan untuk menghidupi keluarga. Daerah kerja yang berat dan resiko kerja yang tinggi. Perlu sebuah pembinaan agar penurunan kualitas lingkungan tidak terjadi begitu besar. Dan dapatkah kegiatan ini menjadi usaha ekonomi yang lestari?
Cendana Aceh
Cendana Aceh ini dalam bahasa pemasaran masuk dalam kelompok 'cendana jenggi'. Berbeda dengan Cendana NTT (,Santalum album, yang memiliki aroma khas yang kuat, cendana jenggi beraroma kurang kuat, namun memiliki peluang ekspor yang besar untuk pasar Cina dan Timur Tengah. Perlu pengembangan oleh pemerintah daerah
Jumat, 04 Januari 2008
Wood for Reconstruction. A problematic matter?
The Winding Road to Rebuilt AcehSource ; Conservation.or.idThe sun is shining in Banda Aceh. The Sultan Iskandar Muda airport that used to be –before the tsunami—deserted, have begun to crowd again. “Visiting Banda Aceh nowadays is similar to arriving in Ngurah Rai Airport Bali, since a lot of foreigners can be seen,” said a volunteer who just arrived in Banda Aceh. These foreigners are expatriates from various nations, most of them from international NGOs and humanitarian aids that are involved in rebuilding Aceh after the tsunami. These agencies work together to rebuild Aceh by building houses. The Aceh and Nias Rehabilitation and Reconstruction Agency (Badan Rehabilitasi dan Rekontruksi Aceh dan Nias - BRR) targeted to build 75.000 houses and up to end of December 2006—according to BRR’s...
Wood... between the needs and the sources
Interview: Legal and Environmentally Friendly Wood for, 4 Jan 2008The Tsunami on 24 Desember 2004 not only caused suffering, but also threats of future catastrophes when reconstruction is not conducted carefully. Almost 500.000 people lost their homes due to the tsunami. They currently live in barracks and refugee tents after they lost their homes. In order to rebuild Aceh, fresh wood is needed. The question is, where can the wood be obtained from when the forests in Aceh are more than sure not adequate enough? To answer the above question, Conservation International and WWF cooperate together to develop an initiative to assist Aceh’s reconstruction by obtaining environmentally friendly wood. “The initiative is how to obtain these wood from outside Indonesia, from sources...